Selected Prose

Circa 1995, working on a early draft of The Courier, a feature screenplay that ultimately landed me a job as an in-house writer at Inklein Entertainment, NYC.

Here are three short works spanning a range of topics, formats, and styles, and which are emblematic of my voice and approach. You'll note I haven't had much time for creative writing since starting medical school, though I hope to find the time to write qua writing in the near future. In the meantime, enjoy!


One act play, 2014

This quasi-metaphysical piece has conspicuous influences drawn from Beckett's Waiting for Godot, Stoppard's Arcadia, Monty Python's Argument Clinic, and Clausius’s Second Law of Thermodynamics.


Letter to a Man Holding Two Books

Short story, 2013

The explanation of a son's gift to his father devolves into an absurdist stream of consciousness rant and a gratuitous foray into pataphysics.


A Discourse on Ten Essential Musical Works

Essay, 2012

This essay hops genres like an aggressive genre-hopping thing, keyed up on hop-promoting meds, with a chip on its shoulder; it covers a lot of ground–even by my standards.